WMS Discipline Belief Statement
We, the administration and staff of WMS, recognize that effective teaching and learning takes place in a school climate of respect and responsibility. Creating this climate of both academic and behavioral success is a process that involves all staff in developing and gaining consensus on student expectations and the procedures to uphold those expectations.
What we believe about student behavior and discipline is foundational to our success, unifies us, and guides our actions – the decisions we make, the practices we choose, and our interactions with others.
We believe the goal of discipline is to instruct, correct, mold character, and help students develop self control. To accomplish this goal, WMS has adopted student management programs known as BIST (Behavior Intervention and Support Team) and PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports).
Guiding Principles of PBIS
Proactive systems approach to school-wide discipline.
Responsive to current social and educational trends.
Focus on instruction - behaviors are taught.
Implemented and consistently by staff and administration.
Positive behaviors are publicly acknowledged.
WMS Student Recognition System
Tiger Paws: Free and frequent recognition of students meeting expectations as outlined on school wide behavior matrix. Teachers sign Tiger Paws, mark expectation met (Respectful, Responsible, Safe), and give to student along with specific positive feedback. Students redeem Tiger Paws for items at the Tiger Shack during Life 101 and lunch or use them to enter various drawings per month. Teams who earn the most Tiger Paws are recognized at quarterly school wide expectations.
Positive Referrals: Written referrals for students who go above and beyond to demonstrate safety, respect, and responsibility. Admin/Coordinators call students’ parents to fill them on the good news. Students are called down and recognized in front of the whole school at quarterly assemblies and given gift bags.