Due to the forecasted cold temperatures, there will be no school tomorrow.
WHS Robotics Team 18464 visited with 7th and 8th grade gifted classes today to talk about the robotics program and give students an opportunity to take a robot base for a spin! Students learned about the league and robotics offerings at WHS. #tigerpride
Click the link to register!
Warrensburg Middle School Choir Presents the "Slice the Price" Domino's pizza card. Purchase the $20 pizza card and use it as many times in the 2025 year to redeem a Buy One, Get One Pizza. All fundraiser funds will help provide Sheet Music and Instrument maintenance. #TigerPride
Tomorrow, Friday, January 10 will be an AMI Day.
Schools are closed for in-person learning, however students are expected to complete assignments for the virtual AMI day. Please check your email for further details regarding access to assigned work.
Stay safe and warm!
Due to road conditions, there will be no school tomorrow.
There will be no school tomorrow due to road conditions. Stay safe and warm!
School is canceled for Tuesday, January 7th due to road conditions. Stay warm and be safe!
Mrs. Lancaster’s class had a hot cocoa party to celebrate the holidays! #TigerPride
WMS students participated in the WCMMEA JH District Honor Band on Saturday. These students were selected to represent WMS and the event included 36 area schools and 225 musicians! #TigerPride
These hardworking NJHS members took a day to celebrate all of their community service and hard work! #TigerPride
These hardworking NJHS members took a day to celebrate all of their community service and hard work! #TigerPride
7th grade Science students in Mrs Woolcott and Mr Griffith’s classes modeling the blood flow through the body. Our students are going with the flow, from head to toe!
Our WMS Science Olympiad team travelled to Pembroke Hill on Saturday to compete in their first live Invitational of the year. They competed against top teams from Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska. Congratulations to Kellen Paul and George Wu for earning 6th place medals in Entomology! All team members did an awesome job representing our school and district! #tigerpride
Mrs. Potter had Lt Ian Roberts with the Maintenance group research and engineering with 509th Maintenance to show our 6th grade tech student how to code our microbits to radio broadcast. WMS appreciates the support that we have received! #TigerPride
6th Grade Quest students present research on climates through their Google Classroom Sideshows! #Tiger Pride
WMS enjoyed a good ole Turkey Calling competition! Congratulations to Ben, Gaige and Huntlee 🦃
(Shout out to Cooper for being our Turkey host) #TigerPride
Mrs. Shaw and her son Griffin helped students in Mrs. Schmidt’s class use CAD and a 3D printer to create a link of a chain to match Marley’s chain in A Christmas Carol. The chain will be put together and displayed for students to see. Whenever students on the Voyager team complete a random act of kindness, one link will be removed demonstrating how kindness can overpower hate! #TigerPride
7th grade Magic Me took a trip to the Country Club! #TigerPride
Happy High Five Friday!!! #TigerPride